Enrico Randellini, Leonardo Rigutini and Claudio Saccà
QuestIT Research Lab, Siena (Italy)
The face expression is the first thing we pay attention to when we want to understand a person’s state of mind. Thus, the ability to recognize facial expressions in an automatic way is a very interesting research field. In this paper, because the small size of available training datasets, we propose a novel data augmentation technique that improves the performances in the recognition task. We apply geometrical transformations and build from scratch GAN models able to generate new synthetic images for each emotion type. Thus, on the augmented datasets we fine tune pretrained convolutional neural networks with different architectures. To measure the generalization ability of the models, we apply extra-database protocol approach, namely we train models on the augmented versions of training dataset and test them on two different databases. The combination of these techniques allows to reach average accuracy values of the order of 85% for the InceptionResNetV2 model.
Computer Vision, Facial Recognition, Data Augmentation, Transfer Learning
The ability to build intelligent systems that accurately recognize the emotions felt by a person is an open challenge of Artificial Intelligence and undoubtedly represents one of the points of contact between the human and machine spheres. Since the face expression is the first thing we pay attention to when we want to understand a person’s state of mind, facial expression analysis represents the first step in researching and building a human emotion classifier. In the facial expression recognition (FER) task, it is believed that there are six basic universal expressions, namely fear, sad, angry, disgust, surprise and happy [1]. To these emotions is often added a neutral expression.
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